If you want to return or exchange the item:

  • Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the sensitive items we sell to our customers, we are unable to accept returns for non-damaged items.
  • Customers can exchange unopened, unworn products within 7 days of receipt. Send an email to sales@seauxfemme.com with return tracking number, paid by customer, and when the item is received and reprocessed the exchange item will be shipped out. Additional charges may apply depending on price and promotion at time of purchase.
  • To ensure an item suits your needs, please check our social media platforms for flat-lay photos and the items displayed on customers and models.

If you receive a defective item, please perform the following tasks:

  • Take photographs of the item(s) and packaging as it arrived.
  • Send an email to sales@seauxfemme.com with all of the details referenced above. Please include your order number and contact details.
  • Within 24-48 hours you will receive a shipping return label to return the item.
  • You will receive a full refund once the item has been received and processed in our warehouse. Please allow 7-21 business days for the return to appear on your statement.